Thursday, September 10, 2009

Students Feel Zinsser’s Writing Advice is Timeless

by Alysa Obert

What did William Zinsser say in a book written 30 years ago that applies to young writers today? Many students say, everything. 

Students were asked to comment on Zinsser’s book, On Writing Well, and all said Zinsser’s advice was timeless.

“Zinsser is eloquent, yet he uses a conversational, simple tone,” said Steve Fletcher, ’12, a communication arts major from Maine. “In fact, I’d have to say Zinsser is the best book I’ve ever read on writing and I’ve read the classics.” When asked what warranted this praise, Fletcher said, “Zinsser emphasizes the basics: keep it simple, get your facts right and enjoy what you do.”

Michelle Webber of Bluehill Maine said she was encouraged by Zinsser’s book. She explained that she used to write in a very simplistic way but when she came to college she was encouraged to use a complicated and academic tone. “It was encouraging to known that I can write and not have to put on this academic facade to be a good writer,” said Webber.

“Zinsser takes a very chaotic spin off of Strunk & White’s Elements of Style,” said Jake Copan, ’11, a student and journalist from Vienna, Austria. Copan was not enthused about Zinsser’s style, though he did say many of Zinsser’s points were essential. “For example, Zinsser’s advice to get rid of the clutter is essential to good writing and sensationalist writers of today would do well to listen.”

Natalie Ferjulian, a student as well as a writer for College Communications, said even on the field Zinsser has something to say. “The dude is hilarious,” said Ferjulian, “what he is saying about writing is applicable no matter if it is 50 years later.” When asked how Zinsser applies to the writer of today she stated, “no matter the technology, you will always need to know how to write well.”

1 comment:

  1. Love your phonetic guide! FYI: Jake's last name is "Neubacher".
